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Li Wang:Revitalization of historical districts in Tanhualin is a beneficial exploration Secretary of Wuchang District Committee of Wuhan
时间:2014-12-12 11:44:05  来源:城市化杂志  作者:文/谭少容 翻译/李虹谕 


  I am very happy to be here to listen to the pertinent opinions and suggestions made by people from home and abroad who care about the development of Wuchang district. These opinions and suggestions indicate that we should view our city from a higher, wider, and more open-minded perspective in the following steps. I constantly ponder the questions like where should we head to? How can we move forward? After listening to this seminar, I concluded three points and I would like to share with you.

  First of all, the seminar encouraged me greatly. I want to quote Chairman Mao as saying that a foreigner makes light of traveling afar to China in the commemoration of Doctor Bethune. Likewise, Mr. Nicolai Petersen traveled from Europe to a thriving China, and today he is here with us in Wuchang. In order to focus more on the Sino-European city organization, he had made a premier observe and study in Tanhualin earlier. He made an investigation on spot because of the consideration of involving Tanhualin in the Sino-EU Urbanization Partnership program.

  What's more, Mr. Jinkui Li has been caring about the development of Wuhan and Wuchang since 2010. He helped us in strategic thinking and detailed working by proposing practical and operable paths with his devoted efforts in the study of the revival of Tanhualin.

  We should express more appreciation to professor Youyun Zhang who was born and bred in Wuchang. She has been working on the important international issues, and she is now studying the urbanization process. Her presence today encourages everyone here and in the whole district, as it represents the attention of the Chinese who has Wuchang origin. Since they care about the development of Wuchang and China in all parts of world, we are obliged to transfer this expectation to a powerful driving force.
  Secondly, this is a cogent responsibility. How can our generation exploit the traditions and advantages that the city brought us to the full? How can we lead the residents and the history behind the district to a better future? These are historical questions that every administrator and leading cadre should answer. This is a test on our wisdom, capability, and value orientation. Strictly speaking, it is an actual responsibility to our work, society and history.

  Thirdly, this is also a beneficial exploration. The outstanding historical district is regarded as a big problem in city construction in all parts of world, because the origin, the heritage, the value orientation, and the influence on people should all be taken into consideration. Every government and every politician should figure out the answers to the questions of how to provide people with more welfare and how to liberate individuals in different aspects.

  It was difficult to make a summary since we needed foresight, vision, and capability. It is more difficult today to fully develop the residents and to make the city a greater place because of those who are developed. Meanwhile, it is most difficult to predict the future based on the past and present, to keep pace with the regulations of development of history and industrial innovation, and to meet the special needs of people in every era. Under this situation, strictly speaking, Tanhualin historical and culture district that we create proves to be a beneficial exploration, along with the architecture, organization, construction, protection, and renovation, for there is no existing experience to refer to so that it requires us to gather the ideas and come up with an all-rounded solution. It is different from other renovation of old cities because we have to protect the 1800 years, history behind it and to consider the adding into more elements in happiness, industry, living environment and value-added services, etc. Among these elements, what we have to lay more stress is regarding people's feelings and sensations as the foundation of every  innovation and revival work, which is a hardship.

  The seminar posed certain challenges and duties to the government officials. In the following days, I expect that my colleagues can apply your intelligence and wisdom in making contributions to this great city, and at the same time motivate the citizens to be bellwethers in this renovation by creating more benefits for them, so that Wuchang people can carry forward their history and culture.

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